We're happy that you're thinking of attending one of our services. The following information will give you an idea of what to expect when you visit our church. Our hope is that when you visit you will encounter God in a way you never have before. God can be so real to all of us, so open your heart and let God bless you.

Summerside United Pentecostal Church is located on the corner of Pope Road and Central Street, in Summerside, PE. This map will show you where we're located. You can get specific directions to our church by entering your address in the Get Directions box on the map. If you'd prefer to talk to someone for directions, feel free to call us at 902-436-6212.

We have several visitor parking spaces in the front of the building, so please use one of them—they're close to the main entrance! If the visitor spaces are already taken, you of course can park in any other space.

When You Arrive
When you first arrive, you'll be greeted by one of our hosts or hostesses.  If it's your first time to visit, they will ask you to fill out a visitor's card so that we can have a record of your attendance. We really are glad when someone takes the time to visit, and our pastor would like to send you a letter thanking you for attending Summerside United Pentecostal Church.

Our Services
You are welcome to attend any of our scheduled services. Our Sunday services and Tuesday worship and Bible study are normally around an hour and a half. Our services are filled with vibrant worship. We clap our hands, lift our hands, sing aloud, and offer heartfelt expressions of worship. Please feel free to worship God in ways in which you are comfortable.

If you need assistance at any time during the service, please talk with one of our ushers at the back of the auditorium or with one of our hosts or hostesses.

Our nursery is available during our services for children up to twenty-four months. The nursery is located at the back of auditorium on the left. One of the ushers or hosts or hostesses will be happy to direct you to it.

What We Believe
Summerside United Pentecostal Church is a Bible-based, Spirit-filled fellowship. We believe God changes people's lives through the power of His Spirit. This includes physical and emotional healing, deliverance from addiction, restoration of relationships, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus is fully divine and fully human, and we confess Him as Lord and Savior. If you have any questions while you're here or if you would like a personal Bible study, please notify one the ushers, hosts, or hostesses.

What to Wear
Many people aren't sure what to wear when they visit. We want you to be comfortable when you visit, so wear what you're comfortable wearing. When you're at one of our services, you'll see a range of styles from jeans to suits. Casual or "Sunday best" . . . it doesn't matter.

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